Ninja Strong

Ninja Strong is a periodized, progressive exercise program meant to be a supplement to your obstacle training. Whether you participate in the sport of Ninja Warrior, Obstacle Course Racing, or are just looking to get stronger to build more confidence on obstacles, this program will be designed with your specific goals in mind.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes Ninja Strong different from other workout programs?
Ninja Strong is a truly personalized program that caters itself to the YOU. After an initial consultation, the program will be written based on what equipment you have available, what specific goals you have (whether it be general fitness or ninja related), and work around any injuries or musculo-skeletal issues you may have. The program also includes corrective exercises addressing common movement deficiencies and compensations commonly seen in Ninja athletes. Those looking to improve performance in the sport of ninja warrior will feature a program dedicated to power and anerobic development. You will have the option to always reach out to Ninja Strong and request modifications, adjustments, or to ask for clarification for any part of the program at any time. While this program is geared towards increased athletic performance, the results you will see after consistently following the program will yield results that extend beyond the course!
How old to you have to be to use this program?
Any age! The program will be adjusted accordingly based on who is using it.
How do I get access to the program?
After singing up, you will receive access to the first four weeks of your customized program utilizing our training platform, CoachMePlus. This platform is accessible on desktop and App form. The App will have videos for the exercises, the ability to send videos to Ninja Strong for exercise form checks, and messaging features for convenient access to your coach. After receiving the program, you can work through at your own pace on the days that you choose. After the first four weeks, the next four weeks will be put on the app. Staggering the release of the program allows us to adjust the program based on the feedback we receive from you in the first four weeks.
Can this program be used for small groups?
Yes! This program can be adjusted for use in a group class setting. Whether you are working out with your training partners, an instructor looking to take their program to the next level, or a gym looking to offer a new program to their athletes, we can adjust the program based on what equipment your facility has to ensure each participant is getting the most effective program. Pricing may differ.

About the Creator of Ninja Strong
Hello! My name is Matt Kalanz, AKA the “Arm Enthusiast”. While I have only been on one season of American Ninja Warrior (season 15), I have been participating in the sport since my first competition in 2015. I have been coaching at Warrior Tech OCR in North Carolina since 2016, but work full-time as an Army Strength and Conditioning coach, serving the 82nd CAB at Fort Liberty, North Carolina. I have a masters in Kinesiology, specializing in corrective exercise, and currently am pursuing a PhD in Kinesiology with a focus in strength and conditioning. While I am certainly not the best ninja in the sport, I have a strong understanding of exercise science and coaching, and have a passion for building strong ninjas on and off the course.